27 April 2016

BASIC FACTS - What You Need to Know About Freestyle Step

BASIC FACTS - What You Need to Know About Freestyle Step

Keeping ourselves healthy and fit has become a necessity in this modern life. In spite of our hectic and busy life in this modern age, it is very important that we can space enough time to do our physical exercises. Thanks to the presence of fitness centres, we can now exercise conveniently. More interestingly, we are now provided with more sophisticated and helpful fitness tools and equipment to help us get the good shape more easily and effectively. Freestyle Step has turned out to be one of the most popular fitness tools for many fitness enthusiasts. This useful tool will help you get more out of your workouts and comes with a number of different benefits.

Freestyle Step is normally equipped with some risers. You can use these accessories to create your most desired height levels. If you like to arrange this fitness platform on a slant, you might need to purchase the one that comes with special grooves. You can use this particular step to raise your calf, lunges or work on your core.

The class of Freestyle Step has been very familiar in almost every fitness centres in the country. This aerobic class mostly uses an adjustable step platform that we normally use with some music background to keep us motivated and spirited. The height of the step platform is easily adjustable to meet the needs or fitness levels of the users. The instructors of a freestyle step class will introduce you to a number of different intensity levels.

The Benefits of Freestyle Step

The workout using the step would require you to come up with a high amount of energy and it can be a great choice for every fitness level. If you join the 60 minute class of freestyle step, your workout will lead you to abdominal conditioning. Many people love to join this class the workout offers a fun and enjoyable experience. This fitness class has turned out to be a great option to help you burn your calories. In general, 60 minutes of this fitness class will reward you with 605 burnt calories and a 45-minute class will help you burn up to 455 calories.

In addition to burning your calories, Freestyle Step can also come in very handy in increasing your cardio fitness and improving your coordination. You can also rely on this fitness class to help you improve your balance and gait as well as toning and shaping the lower parts of your body.

How to Make Your Freestyle Step Exercise More Intense

Not only that this particular fitness class offers plenty of benefits to the shape and the health of your body, Freestyle Step turns out to be a very energetic, powerful and fun workout. It actually stimulates and stretches both of your entire body as well as your mind. During this aerobic workout, every muscle from your toes to your head is used. The enjoyable steps and moves that you do will be very beneficial to your grey cells as well.

If you think that you can still have more fun with this fitness exercise, you can try to make it more intense. You can actually try this idea when you work out at home. You must be very curious to raise the height of your step to have a more beneficial and intense workout. However, this is not the only way you can try to make this fitness exercise more enjoyable. The following simple ideas will come in very handy to turn your regular Freestyle Step exercise at home into a more intense session without adding more complicated touches to it.

Pulling Your Weight

Using small wrist and ankle weights has been very common during jogging activities. These are meant to keep ourselves in a fit condition. Some of us must have been very familiar with lifting a bag of sugar or a can of soup at home just to build up the tone of our muscle. Little that you know, you can replace all those complicated home exercises by practising the Freestyle Step Aerobics in your home. Before you start the exercise, all you need to do is strap on some weights. In order to make it more intense, the weighted belts might come in handier. These additions will help your work on the core of your muscles during your movement. The point of this idea is that you will have a bulky and heavy feel on your hips and limbs. Pulling your weight in this fitness exercise will be very useful to grow much stronger muscles. Moreover, it will also make you more familiar with using weight in practising the Freestyle Step.

Throwing Some Shapes

If you just fail to spare plenty of time for practising Freestyle Step at your home, you should not let that keep you from giving it up completely. You can still work it out by pulling a number of simple moves. However, you need to keep in mind that these simple moves are not meant to make your step boring and bland. In order to spice things up, you can introduce some crunches, lunges and squats moves to your routine exercise. Make sure that you take this action very carefully so that you can protect yourself from being injured just because you wish to give your muscles an extra challenge. Lunging off the step would be a lot more fun than just stepping in on and off.

Try the Backpacking Method

It does not mean that you should go backpacking and head to your most desired travel destination. This particular method suggests you wear the backpack and go around your house. You will have a totally different experience when you practice your Freestyle Step Aerobics with your backpack. The enormous weights of your backpack will get your lungs going. They will also get your heart racing and work on your entire muscles. It might be a foolish idea but the enormous benefits should remove your laughter.

That was our article for April 2016. Remember to feel free to comment, or contact me via email to FreestyleStepXTRVGNZ@gmail.com, and comment on what you think of this article or any article you have read, or just any improvements you may want to see happening.

Next month, we will look at the subject of "Step Aerobics in Prevention of Osteoporosis" here we will look at how new research has revealed Step Aerobics providing benefits in Prevention of Osteoporosis.

In the June 2016 article, I will review the article and discuss my point of view in the matter.
Bruno Jimenez
April 2016