01 January 2024

Part V - Variety in the offerings - Freestyle Step Aerobics vs Les Mills BODYSTEPTM: A Comparison

Freestyle Step Aerobics vs Les Mills BODYSTEPTM: A Comparison

Part V - Variety in the offerings


Hey there, fitness fanatics! Feeling stuck in a workout rut? Craving routines that keep you guessing and your body challenged? Let's talk stepping, but not just any kind – we're diving into the exciting world of Freestyle Step Aerobics and comparing it to its structured cousin, Les Mills BODYSTEPTM. Buckle up, because we're about to show you why variety is the secret sauce to step-tastic fun and fitness results!

On one hand, you have BODYSTEPTM, a reliable friend offering the same standardised choreography everywhere you go. Think of it as your comfort food workout – familiar, effective, and perfect for newbies or those who prefer low-key coordination challenges. But let's be real, sometimes we crave adventure! That's where Freestyle Step comes in, bursting onto the scene with endless possibilities. Each class is a unique creation by the instructor, like a personal chef whipping up a delicious, surprising dish just for you. Imagine, one day mastering graceful lunges, the next, conquering intricate footwork patterns – all tailored to your skill level! So, which path will you choose? Read on to find out where your perfect step awaits!

Craving Consistency? Great! But Why Settle When You Can Soar?

Les Mills BODYSTEP shines with its standardised choreography, offering a familiar and consistent workout experience. For fitness newbies or those seeking low-impact routines, it's a fantastic option. However, if you crave variety, personalisation, and a constant challenge, then get ready to leap beyond the ordinary with Freestyle Step Aerobics.

Here's the difference: BODYSTEP's set routines mean you know exactly what's coming, which can be comforting. But it also leads to predictability and, let's be honest, potential boredom. Freestyle Step explodes with endless possibilities. Each class is a unique creation by the instructor, catering to different skill levels and incorporating diverse movements. Imagine one day mastering lunges and grapevines, the next, flowing through intricate footwork patterns and plyometric jumps. It's an empowering journey where you push your limits and discover hidden capabilities.

So, while BODYSTEP offers consistency, Freestyle Step unlocks a world of variety, keeping you engaged, motivated, and constantly progressing. Think of it as the difference between following a pre-set meal plan and embarking on a culinary adventure with limitless choices. Which path would ignite your love for food (and fitness) more? The choice is yours, but remember, Freestyle Step isn't just about variety, it's about unleashing your full fitness potential and having a blast doing it!

Beyond the Familiar: Why Freestyle Step Will Reignite Your Fitness Journey

BODYSTEP offers a solid cardio blast, perfect for beginners or those seeking moderate intensity. However, if you're ready to unleash your inner fitness warrior, then prepare to be challenged and exhilarated by Freestyle Step Aerobics.

While BODYSTEP caters to lower coordination levels, remember, progress thrives on challenge. Freestyle Step doesn't shy away from pushing your boundaries, incorporating various movements and intensities to maximise your results. Imagine lunges one day, but the next, you're conquering intricate footwork and explosive jumps. Your body adapts, grows stronger, and reveals hidden capabilities you never knew existed.

Now, don't be intimidated! Freestyle Step welcomes all levels. Instructors provide modifications and options, ensuring you work at your own pace while still being inspired by the dynamic routines. It's not just about burning calories; it's about discovering your full potential and having a blast in the process.

Think of it this way: BODYSTEP is like a gentle hike on a familiar trail, enjoyable but predictable. Freestyle Step, on the other hand, is an adventurous trek through diverse landscapes, pushing you, surprising you, and leaving you with an unforgettable sense of accomplishment. So, are you ready to trade predictability for exhilarating progress and endless possibilities? Lace up your sneakers and step into the world of Freestyle Step!

Beyond the Basics: Why Freestyle Step Is the Recipe for Fitness Excitement

Les Mills BODYSTEP boasts standardised choreography, making it approachable for beginners. While that's great for easing into fitness, it can also breed predictability and, let's face it, boredom. This is where Freestyle Step explodes onto the scene, offering limitless variety and personalised challenges that keep you engaged and progressing.

Forget repetitive moves! In Freestyle Step, each class is a unique masterpiece crafted by the instructor. Imagine flowing through intricate footwork patterns one day, and mastering powerful jumps and dynamic lunges the next. The diversity is astounding, catering to various skill levels and ensuring you're never stuck in a rut. Want something simpler? No problem! Instructors skillfully adapt routines to accommodate beginners, providing modifications and options to help you progress comfortably.

But it's not just about catering to different levels. Freestyle Step is about pushing your boundaries. It's about discovering hidden capabilities you never knew existed, building strength and agility, and experiencing the thrill of conquering new challenges. Think of it as the difference between reading the same novel repeatedly and embarking on a journey through diverse literary genres. Both can be enjoyable, but one offers excitement, growth, and an ever-expanding horizon.

So, if you're ready to ditch predictability and embrace personalised growth, then step into the vibrant world of Freestyle Step. It's not just a workout; it's an adventure for your body and mind, leaving you empowered, energised, and eager to see what the next class holds.

Beyond the One-Size-Fits-All: Why Freestyle Step Is the Key to Personalised Fitness Growth

While BODYSTEP attempts to cater to various levels with modifications, its standardised, intermediate-leaning choreography can leave both beginners and advanced steppers feeling unsatisfied. In Freestyle Step, however, you get the best of both worlds: challenging complexity for experienced participants and approachable options for beginners.

Forget the "one-size-fits-all" approach! Freestyle Step instructors are artists, tailoring each class to cater to the unique needs and skill levels of their participants. Imagine, in one class, mastering intricate footwork patterns and explosive jumps, while in another, confidently navigating simpler moves alongside supportive modifications. This personalised approach ensures you're never bored and always progressing.

But it's not just about options. Freestyle Step instructors are experts at **creating challenging routines that push experienced steppers beyond their limits. Think dynamic combinations, intricate footwork, and explosive exercises that test your coordination, strength, and agility. It's like trading a predictable hike on a familiar trail for an adventurous climb on ever-changing terrain, constantly discovering new challenges and exhilarating possibilities.

So, if you're tired of settling for the "average" workout, and crave personalised progress and an ever-evolving challenge, then take the leap into Freestyle Step. It's a dynamic journey, where you'll discover hidden strengths, unleash your fitness potential, and leave each class feeling empowered and energised, ready to conquer the next exciting routine.

Beyond the Binary: Unleash Your Fitness Spectrum with Freestyle Step

Les Mills BODYSTEP offers a set range of intensities, but can you imagine a workout that adapts to your exact needs, not the other way around? That's the beauty of Freestyle Step! From low-impact, joint-friendly routines to heart-pounding, high-intensity workouts, each class is a unique tapestry woven by the instructor, catering to a spectrum of fitness levels and preferences.

Think of it this way: BODYSTEP provides pre-packaged meals, offering limited variety. Freestyle Step, on the other hand, is a chef's tasting menu, customised to your palate and dietary needs. Want a gentle flow one day? No problem! Craving an adrenaline rush the next? Ask and you shall receive! Instructors skillfully adapt routines and offer modifications, ensuring everyone, from beginners to seasoned steppers, can feel challenged and supported.

But variety isn't just about intensity. Each Freestyle Step class is a dance of creativity, incorporating diverse movements, music styles, and exercise combinations. Imagine flowing through graceful lunges one day, and the next, mastering intricate footwork patterns and explosive jumps. It's a mental and physical adventure, keeping you engaged, motivated, and constantly discovering new facets of your fitness potential.

While options for Freestyle Step classes might be smaller compared to BODYSTEP, remember, quality trumps quantity. Each class is a unique creation, ensuring you're never stuck in a repetitive rut. And let's be honest, wouldn't you rather have a personalised, exciting workout than a generic one, even if it means fewer choices?

So, if you're ready to break free from limitations and step into a world of personalised fitness, then join the vibrant community of Freestyle Step. It's not just a workout; it's a playground for your body and mind, where you'll discover hidden strengths, push your boundaries, and leave each class feeling empowered, energised, and eager to see what exciting adventure awaits in the next step.

Beyond the Ordinary: Why Freestyle Step Is the Variety King of Fitness

Les Mills BODYSTEP offers a standardised, basic workout. While consistency and ease of followability have their appeal, sometimes we crave a little more. Enter Freestyle Step, a fitness haven bursting with variety and options, catering to every fitness level and skill set. Imagine ditching the predictability of repetitive moves for a dynamic journey through diverse routines, each class crafted by your instructor like a unique masterpiece.

Forget the "one-size-fits-all" approach! Freestyle Step instructors are artists of movement, tailoring each class to the unique needs and abilities of their participants. Beginners feel welcomed and supported with modifications and simpler options, while experienced steppers are challenged and inspired by intricate footwork, explosive combinations, and dynamic exercises. It's like trading a well-worn path for an ever-changing adventure, pushing your limits and discovering hidden strengths every step of the way.

But variety isn't just about difficulty levels. Freestyle Step is a celebration of movement diversity, incorporating a kaleidoscope of styles and exercises. Flow through graceful lunges one day, conquer intricate footwork patterns the next, and blast explosive jumps another. Each class is a dance, keeping you engaged, motivated, and constantly surprised by the new challenges and possibilities that unfold.

While BODYSTEP offers a predictable experience, Freestyle Step is a journey of discovery. It's an unforgettable adventure where you'll unleash your full fitness potential, experience the thrill of constant progress, and leave each class feeling empowered, energised, and eager to see what exciting creation awaits in the next step.

Final Thought

So, there you have it, fitness fanatics! While both Les Mills BODYSTEP and Freestyle Step offer fantastic ways to get your heart pumping and your body moving, the choice ultimately boils down to your individual preferences. If you crave predictability, simplicity, and a low-impact workout, BODYSTEP might be your perfect fit. However, if you're an adventurer seeking endless variety, personalised challenges, and a constant push beyond your limits, then Freestyle Step is calling your name! With its diverse routines, adaptable intensity levels, and focus on individual progress, Freestyle Step is like a never-ending fitness playground where you'll discover hidden potential, experience the thrill of constant evolution, and leave each class feeling empowered and energised. So, ditch the ordinary, embrace the unexpected, and step into the vibrant world of Freestyle Step! It's not just a workout; it's an adventure for your body and mind, waiting to be unleashed!

Next article

In the month of September 2023, we did the first instalment of the seven (7) blog articles talking about "Freestyle Step Aerobics vs Les Mills BODYSTEPTM: A Comparison" which provided an introduction to the following five (5) upcoming subjects.

In the month of October 2023, we looked into the first of these subjects with the provision of classes around Australia's gyms timetables.

In the month of November 2023, we compared Freestyle Step and Les Mills BODYSTEPTM marketing strategies.

Last month, December 2023, we end the year with an article looking at the focus on technique provided by both, Freestyle step and Les Mills BODYSTEPTM.

This month, January 2024, the first blog of the year, we looked at the variety in the offerings provided by both Freestyle step and Les Mills BODYSTEPTM.

Next month, February 2024, will look at the The "Co$t" Comparison were we compare the finance side of both Freestyle step and Les Mills BODYSTEPTM.

I hope to see you there!

"The information provided herein is strictly for educational purposes. Always consult your qualified Group Fitness Instructor before implementing any suggestions above."


You must get your physician's approval before beginning any exercise suggested in this blog or any of its articles. Any recommendations found within these articles are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting any suggestions in this blog, or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. The suggestions in this blog article are designed for individuals 18 years and older that have been approved by their physician to take any of the suggestions above.

The information in this blog article is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. As such we advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this blog article, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this article are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regime that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Do not lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Do not perform any exercises unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Do not perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to resistance training and interval training.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Freestyle Step Aerobics. If you experience any light-headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you do not do Freestyle Step Aerobics, please follow your Doctor's orders.

That was our January article for 2024. Remember to feel free to comment, or contact me via email to FreestyleStepXTRVGNZ@gmail.com , and comment on what you think of this article, or any article you have read, or just any improvements you may want to see happening.

Bruno Jimenez
January 2024

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# TAGS - #freestyle, #FreestyleStep, #step #XTRVGNZ