13 August 2012

What is this Blog about

What is this Blog about

This blog concentrates on all Freestyle Step related information, with special concentration on those Free Step "XTRVGNZ" that occur from time to time.

"XTRVGNZ" refers to those Freestyle Step classes where the class is presented by international Instructor, or the class length is longer than normal, or the class is presented by more than 1 instructor, or it is based on a "theme" (could be due to a Charity event, someone's farewell, special state/national holiday, etc... for example, "Pink - Brest Cancer", "Red 'n White" - farewell to someone from Canada as Canadian flag is red and white, "MardiGras theme for the MardiGras festivities, etc.... the possibilities are endless).  

This blog is backed up by a Facebook page. You can access our Facebook XTRVGNZ page by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/StepXTRVGNZ

Or you can go directly to the XTRVGNZ page by clicking on this link https://www.facebook.com/StepXTRVGNZ/app_137583416327935

Or if you want to go straight to the source of the XTRVGNZ page, go straight to the hosting source here http://webimplementation.com.au/XTRVGNZ/

You can send us a MESSAGE via our Facebook messaging application via this link, https://www.facebook.com/messages/StepXTRVGNZ

For standard classes, refer to your Gym.

What is Freestyle Step - An introduction

What is Freestyle Step - An introduction

Freestyle Step has evolved from basic, repetitive, even high impact moves to more dance inspired and challenging choreographed routines...  The extra level (literally) that Freestyle Step provides allows the instructor far greater opportunities for innovative routines.

Freestyle Step is taught in progressive layers from basic moves to which the instructor will add more and more variations depending on the students abilities. Instructors try and make the class a journey; and sometimes you get to your final destination without knowing how you got there.

Freestyle Step will give you a cardio workout in addition to developing muscle tone round your legs and butt and will improve your agility, coordination, balance and confidence.  And absolutely no other class will give you the same satisfaction that you will feel when you realise that tricky little move you thought you couldn't do suddenly clicks into place!