04 May 2016

Step Aerobics in Prevention of Osteoporosis

Step Aerobics in Prevention of Osteoporosis

After 27 years on the gym floor, Step aerobics continues to help in the prevention of Osteoporosis

27 years!! I mean, 27 years is something! Especially in the aerobic workout world. Freestyle Step has been around since the 1980's, when Step Reebok was presented to the world by Reebok International. It was not until about 10 years later, in 1999, at the turn of the century (Gosh! That sounds like such a long time!) that a research was done to look at the impact of Step Aerobics on human bone mineral density.

This research demonstrated how step aerobics can impact bone mineral density by increasing and maintaining such density especially in women. Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones lose their density and become weak, fragile and brittle thus more likely to break. This is where bone density can be managed by making Step Aerobics classes part of your weekly routine, thus help to prevent the onset of Osteoporosis.

We all know that the world population is getting “older”. That is where a very large proportion of us, people reaching a more advanced age. Osteoporosis onset is then affecting more, and more of us, as our bones are depleted from its bone mineral density, increasingly becoming a health care concern globally.

The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published a study that examines data that indicate premenopausal women can gain and maintain increased bone mass through aerobic exercise, specifically step aerobics. This study added further information backing up the findings by Reebok University, that step aerobics is a truly beneficial and effective exercise format for all ages and fitness levels.

The UKK institute for Health Promotion Research in Finland conducted a study that involved 50 women, spread across two groups, a control and a study group, who participated in supervised high-impact training exercises over a period of 18 months, followed by unsupervised training program consisting on exercising an average of twice a week on their own by participating in step or aerobic classes.

The study findings were that aerobic exercises, even to a moderate level, would assist in maintaining an increased level of bone mineral density. This study endorsed the fact that increasing the consumption of calcium, vitamins and the inclusion of high-impact exercise regime, does assist in keeping at bay bone mineral deterioration. This is achieved by the creating and maintaining and increased level of skeletal bone mass.

Earlier understanding of what was required to increase bone mineral density, was that a comparatively energetic aerobic and strength training routine was needed, however, the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Study concludes that it is possible to sustain such an increased bone mass with unsupervised, moderate and less challenging step or aerobic classes. The study proves that women that partake in regular step classes profit from stronger muscles and an improved health and fitness lifestyle, additionally profiting from improved bone density levels, which is key to preventing osteoporosis.

The study findings are encouraging experts, such as Freestyle Step instructors and Step master trainers, on the cutting edge of women’s fitness across the globe. It is vitally important, now more than ever before, for women and experts in the field of fitness to be well-versed regarding the best way to use fitness, and the incorporation of freestyle step aerobics classes, to remain healthy and strong while keeping Osteoporosis at bay. Fitness professionals can promote moderate step aerobics workouts and feel strong at endorsing a healthy lifestyle and the participation in step classes, especially with today’s women busy lifestyle who try to juggle professional and personal lives.

Twenty-seven years of Freestyle Step and still in existence conveys the health benefits of participating in step aerobics, even with only attending a freestyle step class a couple of times a week. Woman globally should be inspired and in particular to embrace freestyle step aerobics programs, as an addition to their workout routine and fitness lifestyle.

That was our article for May 2016. Remember to feel free to comment, or contact me via email to FreestyleStepXTRVGNZ@gmail.com, and comment on what you think of this article or any article you have read, or just any improvements you may want to see happening.

Next month, we will look at the subject of "Step Training Guidelines" here we will look at what is globally acknowledged as the guidelines to keep in mind when attending a freestyle step class.

In the June 2016 article, I will review the above subject.
Bruno Jimenez
May 2016

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