05 July 2020

Is Freestyle Step only for older generation?

Is Freestyle Step only for older generation?  

Or is it something that people say when they cannot do it?   

So, is it or isn't it?

Step Aerobics is a workout for old people…. or so say many of today’s younger generation, or those that have two left feet.

I will not kid myself. I understand and agree that watching a 1980s step aerobics VHS Video, (… if you do not know what that is, ask your parents), sure, it is old fashioned and even quite corny.

Comparing 2020 Step Aerobics to that of the 1980s is like comparing weightlifting at the Moscow’s Olympics in the 1980s to CrossFit in the 2020. They are now two different things, although sharing a common root.

Gone are the days of 16 in a row high knees, or star-jumps on the step, as it is doing a grapevine around the step (adopted from floor aerobics).

Freestyle Step has progressed with the times. It has not been kept in a time capsule. The fact that Step Aerobics is being labelled for older generation, is simply the fear to fail by those stating it.

I understand that there is a group of people that do not want to think when doing “step aerobics” and instead they just want to be shout at with same-old same-old routines. I see this need, and I respect them to choose such a, in my opinion, mindless and boring workout. These people have “Pre-programmed” classes offered by big corporations. They even can just play an old Step video routine over and over and over for months on end.

But people need to understand that, like me, there are people that need to feed their minds as much as they do feed their body needs during one of these freestyle sessions. I want to be offered options, I want to be challenged, I want to learn new moves, I want my mind to join my body in the workout, I want it to be fun. But what I want the most is people recognising my choices for what they are, my choices, not theirs, and that they stop calling Freestyle Step aerobics a workout for old people, and just acknowledge that the new freestyle step aerobics is not for them.

I understand that there are different people with different needs or capabilities. I will always respect our differences with other freestyle step brothers or sisters. I just hope one day these people stop saying that the classes are way too hard and that it should be toned down so they can do it.

To these people I say, “get on with the times”. If you claim that Step is for old people, but you still want to have the old “classic” step with constant repetition, then I wonder who is the one that wants the older generation routines.

I know many people, specially Les Mills BODYSTEP™ instructors, keep criticising Freestyle Step Aerobics, by claiming that it is way too complex, and without structure. That the routines do get in the way of the workout.

To these people I say, what is a workout? Like in weightlifting, it depends on what your goal is. If you want fit, but not bulk, you will do smaller weights and more repetitions, but if bulk is what you want, you will do more weight and less repetitions. The same is with Step Aerobics. If what you seek is a serious mindless workout, where all it matters is growing those legs muscles, then I understand you would look for more simple routines with many repetitions. But, if you look for a balance on mind and body, where getting your mind and your body engaged on a routine that requires synchronisation, then you would opt for a more modern approach to step and add the “moves” in your routine.

To these people that their opinion is that Freestyle Step should be more “tamed” I say that it is only too complex to them, because they cannot follow it. That they are not capable to do what it is called an “older generation” workout. What does this say about them? That they are only able to “perform” someone else’s routine given to them to repeat to the members?

To these people I say that just because the Freestyle instructor providing the group exercise session analyses the members attending the class, and melding the session to be as inclusive as possible, does not mean it does not have an structure. What it means is that Freestyle Step is built to take into consideration the members attending the class. Freestyle Step is not a “pre-programmed” class given to the instructor to “copy” and “perform” in-front of the members in a “look at me, look at what I can do”, but a session where the instructor will pre-prepare a set of routines, with different level options, and will offer the options to the members in the class to ensure that they get a workout regardless of their knowledge level. This approach is to ensure that all members, regardless of their age, are included in the workout. This proving it is not an old peeps workout.

Today I was in a Freestyle Step session in Chatswood (Sydney, Australia), and the instructor gave the routines at several levels so most of the attendees will be able to follow through. Advanced options were given for those who wanted that little bit more, and more basic ones for those whom are not yet that comfortable on the step. In this class, there was one member that totally ignored the routines, and spent the entire class doing her own very basic moves. These moves had no resemblance to the routine offered by the instructor.

Now let’s flip this the other way. Picture a Les Mills BODYSTEP™ session where the instructor is offering the pre-choreographed routine. Same routine done over several weeks. Imagine a single member in the class where he/she decides to do his/her own freestyle Step moves. What would this member be told by the instructor? Do not say that nothing would have been said, as I have been in a class where the Freestyle Step instructor could not attend and was covered by a Les Mills BODYSTEP™ instructor. The instructor “warned us” at the very beginning to leave the class if we are not going to do the moves he was going to provide us with, or if we were going to add our own “flare” to his moves. That we will be told to leave the class if we did so.

What are they scared of? Should the Freestyle Step instructor have done the same with the other “non-conforming” step member too?

You will hear from many Freestyle Step instructors that they find Les Mills BODYSTEP™ boring, that they want to feed their body as well as their mind, thus being the reason for which they choose not to attend Les Mills BODYSTEP™ classes. And this has nothing to do with their age, or their generation.

The idea that freestyle step aerobics is a workout for old people is quickly eliminated when you watch a full step aerobics session, or video online. As you go through various routines in every session, you look forward to add your own stepping variations to keep things exciting. But I can also say it is not for people that are not looking for a workout routine that involves the engaging of their minds as they are exercising. That it is not for people that wants to be given the same routine over and over and over, week after week.

No Freestyle Step Aerobics is not just for older generations. Freestyle Step is for anyone looking for a mind and body challenge and are not scared of “not getting it”. Regardless of their age.

"The information provided herein is strictly for educational purposes. Always consult your qualified Group Fitness Instructor before implementing any suggestions above."


You must get your physician's approval before beginning any exercise suggested in this blog or any of its articles. Any recommendations found within these articles are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting any suggestions in this blog, or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. The suggestions in this blog article are designed for individuals 18 years and older that have been approved by their physician to take any of the suggestions above.

The information in this blog article is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. As such we advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this blog article, be sure that your equipment is well-maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this article are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regime that may have been prescribed by your physician.

Do not lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Do not perform any exercises unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Do not perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to resistance training and interval training.

See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including Freestyle Step Aerobics. If you experience any light-headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician.

You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you do not do Freestyle Step Aerobics, please follow your Doctor's orders.

That was our July 2020. Remember to feel free to comment, or contact me via email to FreestyleStepXTRVGNZ@gmail.com, and comment on what you think of this article, or any article you have read, or just any improvements you may want to see happening.

Bruno Jimenez
JULY 2020

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# TAGS - #freestyle, #FreestyleStep, #step #XTRVGNZ

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